OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian metals firm Norsk Hydro will take full ownership of aluminum products maker Sapa by buying a 50 percent stake from conglomerate Orkla, the companies said on Monday. The


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At the same time, Hydro will discontinue reporting Sapa as an equity accounted investment. Formed as a 50/50 joint venture between Orkla and Hydro in 2013, Sapa has been a highly successful aluminium solutions provider and the world's largest extrusion company. The new business will embrace the activities of Orkla’s existing Sapa-branded business (value-added profiles and profile-based building systems) and Hydro’s extruded products output. Svein Tore Holsether, who is currently president and CEO of Orkla’s Sapa division, will become president and CEO of the new joint venture company. ** Norwegian consumer goods maker Orkla is not in a hurry to divest its stake in metals firm Sapa, which it owns jointly with Norsk Hydro, Orkla Chief Executive Peter Ruzicka said on Thursday The transaction to combine Norsk Hydro ASA`s Extruded Products business area and Orkla ASA`s Sapa into a 50/50 joint venture has been completed as planned. Sapa, the new global leader in extruded Norwegian metals firm Norsk Hydro will take full ownership of aluminum products maker Sapa by buying a 50 percent stake from conglomerate Orkla, the companies said on Monday. Norsk Hydro har inngått en avtale med Orkla om å kjøpe deres 50 prosent eierandel i Sapa.

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Under 2013 bildades ett hälftenägt samriskbolag kring Sapa mellan Orkla och Norsk Hydro, något som Orkla nu alltså lämnar. Sapa is the world leader in extruded aluminium products used in construction and carmaking, and was formed in 2013 as a joint venture between Hydro and Orkla, the Norwegian consumer goods supplier 2017-07-11 2017-07-11 2017-10-02 Hydro will consolidate the Sapa financials in its financial statements starting October 2, 2017. At the same time, Hydro will discontinue reporting Sapa as an equity accounted investment. Formed as a 50/50 joint venture between Orkla and Hydro in 2013, Sapa has been a highly successful aluminium solutions provider and the world's largest extrusion company. Sapa ble etablert i 2013 som et 50/50 joint venture mellom Orkla og Hydro, og er en meget suksessfull leverandør av aluminiumsløsninger og verdens største ekstruderingsselskap. Sapa opererer innenfor forretningsområdene Extrusion Europe, Extrusion North America, Precision Tubing og Building Systems, har 22 400 ansatte og er til stede i om lag 40 land. Orkla and Norsk Hydro (“Hydro”) have entered into an agreement whereby Hydro is to purchase Orkla’s 50% interest in Sapa.

Norsk Hydro och Orkla slår samman sina verksamheter inom Det sammanslagna bolaget kommer att verka under namnet Sapa. Det skriver 

Hydro acquires Sapa to create a global aluminium champion. Norsk Hydro has agreed with Orkla to acquire its 50 percent interest in Sapa for a total enterprise value of NOK 27 billion, giving full ownership in the global leader in extruded aluminium solutions and making Hydro a leading force in the global aluminium industry. Norsk Hydro köper Orklas 50-procentiga del i Sapa.

Orkla sapa hydro

Orkla og Norsk Hydro («Hydro») har inngått avtale om at Hydro kjøper Orklas 50 % eierandel i Sapa. 10.07.2017 Salget er i tråd med Orklas strategi om å være et ledende merkevareselskap.

Orkla sapa hydro

15/10/2012, For smarttelefoner/nettbrett: Orkla og Hydro danner. 14/09/2011, Orkla Investor Day, Sapa by Svein Tore Holsether CEO Sapa, Filformat pdf.

Orkla sapa hydro

Elle était détenue depuis, à hauteur de 50%, par Norsk Hydro et Orkla. Depuis ce 2 octobre, l'entreprise  Dear visitor, at this moment, Sapa Turkey does not offer yet special services for registered users.
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Sapa has a  The transaction to combine Norsk Hydro ASA's Extruded Products business area and Orkla ASA's Sapa into a 50/50 joint venture has been  Det nya sammanslagna bolaget, som får namnet Sapa kommer att vara en 50/50 joint venture som ägs av Orkla och Hydro.

slutdatum: 2017-10-02.
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Norska konglomeratet Orkla har slutfört försäljningen av sitt ägande i Sapa till Norsk Hydro. FinWire. Publicerad: 2 oktober 2017, 07:24.

Både Orkla och Norsk Hydro stiger på börsen. Skyguide och ACR utvecklar ett joint venture (JV) för att leverera Language: Svenska. Fråga: Finns det någon svensk motsvarighet till joint venture?